Communicating with the wider resident group

This toolkit focuses on direct communication with residents who are due to have energy efficiency work done on their home, to increase engagement.

However, communicating with the wider customer group about energy efficiency feeds into this. It also fits into wider sustainability objectives as we aim to achieve Net Zero by 2050.

Reasons to communicate with all customers about energy efficiency How you can do this
To raise awareness of energy efficiency improvements so residents already have some understanding when they are contacted about work on their home. Share regular news articles and case studies about energy efficiency upgrades. Let customers know when you receive new funding. Tell customers you will be in touch if their home is due for an upgrade and signpost them to actions they can take to reduce energy use in the interim.
Encourage residents to make small changes in their home which could reduce their bills and help save the planet. Share campaigns such as the government Help for Households resources. Refer customers to schemes such as the Green Doctor for energy efficiency advice.
To increase understanding about climate change and sustainability, as we aim for Net Zero by 2050. The Social Housing Tenant’s Climate Jury was passionate about the role housing associations should play in educating the community about climate change. Have a programme of communications and events focusing on green issues. This could include:

·         Investment in community green spaces, with involvement opportunities for customers.

·         Profiling the work and views of the tenant sustainability champions.

·         Running, or reporting on, green initiatives in the community. This could include support for people to make their homes greener, projects to address food waste, swap shops so items people no longer need can be reused, car share projects and more.

To recruit resident ambassadors and sustainability champions so customers can be involved in decision-making about sustainability. Run a recruitment campaign for these positions. Share blogs, videos and news stories from the ambassadors and champions when they are in position, via newsletters, the website and social media. Involve the ambassadors in community events.
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